Keto Shrimp Cocktail

There are not many modifications made to this recipe, shellfish cocktails, aguachiles and ceviches are notorious for being low carb BUT check out my technique to avoid rubbery shrimp, you'll be surprised too! Try this keto shrimp cocktail first and then you can make multiple versions of it.

The Stock

One of the most important things when cooking is making sure your food is tasty, and that has something to do with layering flavors. In this case, the stock is very important because it's the base of the recipe and when using shrimp, the ideal step would be to use whole shrimp, the carcass, and head to make an exquisite and flavorful stock to start the first layer.

The Shrimp

It is absolutely better without a shadow of a doubt to buy the shrimp whole, peel, head, everything! it will help with the stock but it will take a bit longer to get cleaned. I always buy the one that is peeled and deveined already that's why I make substitutions to the stock. It's totally up to you and you can also use fish, octopus, crab, lobster, whatever shellfish you like!

The Veggies

The shrimp cocktail is kind of like a version of a dry ceviche, and the ingredients you put on it will make the difference. I've seen people put carrots, olives, mango, pineapple, parsley, etc. I like pico de gallo but some people don't even put cilantro, It's all up to you really. I'm going to add tomato, onion, cilantro, cucumber and avocado. NOTE: You can add fresh serranos o jalapeño chiles I just don't like spicy food.

The juice

I used no sugar ketchup (there are tons on the market) but a lot of shellfish cocktail vendors in my hometown (Ensenada, B.C. México) use Clamato which is clam juice with tomato juice added. I don't actually like it so I prefer sugar-free ketchup but that's up to you, I'm not even sure if it's low carb I haven't checked since I don't like it haha.

Chicken Stock:


  • 1/2 teaspoon clam or fish base
  • A chunk of each: onion, carrot, celery
  • Garlic paste or 2 garlic cloves
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 20 medium shrimp


  • In a pot place enough water to make a stock that covers all the shrimp and veggies. Approximate 2 liters.
  • Add the clam or fish base, onion, carrot, celery, bay leaf, and garlic. Let it boil.
  • Once it's boiling taste it and check for seasoning, make sure it's well seasoned because this is how the shrimp will be flavored.
  • If it's ready and has a strong flavor bring the flame all the way to the highest and bring it to a rolling boil.
  • Add the shrimp and have a slotted spoon ready, this will only take a few seconds. Let it cook for a few seconds until it cg=hanges color from gray to orange.
  • Take it our right away and at this point, you can add it to a bowl with iced water to stop the cooking and lower the temperature. Set aside.

Shrimp Cocktail:


  • 1 small tomato
  • A chunk of onion (1/4 of a large one)
  • Cilantro to taste (you can omit this)
  • 1 serrano chile
  • The juice of 1 lime
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar free ketchup
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1/2 avocado


  • In a bowl, mix the chopped veggies and season them with salt, or better yet with garlic salt.
  • Add the ketchup, cucumber, and mix.
  • At this point, you can add the cold shrimp and lime juice.
  • Check the seasoning again, this is your last chance to make sure everything is seasoned right before you serve.
  • You can the chopped avocado at this point, slowly and mixing very carefully or you can add it on top after is served.
  • You can also chill the whole thing before serving for a very refreshing lunch on a hot summer day. Enjoy!